Somaye Moetamednia
21 اردیبهشت 1403 1403-02-21 20:40varifed
Somaye Moetamednia
As Bion says: every session attended by the analyst must have no history and no future. What is 'known' about the patient is of no further consequence: it is either false or irrelevant. If it is 'known' by patient and analyst, it is obsolete. The only point of importance in any session is the unknown. Nothing must be allowed to distract from intuiting that. In any session, evolution takes place. Out of the darkness and formlessness something evolves.
- Specialties:
PhD in clinical psychology
- Acceptance of references in the age category:
- Therapist's free times:
She has no free time
- Cost of each session:
- Conditions for canceling a session:
24 hours ago
فرم رزرو مراجعان خارجی:
- Reservation module for customers inside Iran